Thursday, January 05, 2006

No wheelchairs allowed

I'm still cracking up.
Super Bowl planners don't want people over age 45 on the field during the Rolling Stones halftime show. The NFL is offering 2,000 people a chance to watch the Stones play during the Feb. 5 event, but those lucky fans will be expected to dance, sing and cheer. The Super Bowl planners say they're trying to protect old(er) people because halftime revelers would be expected to run and stand up for a very long time. (And people over age 45 can't do that without a wheelchair, walker or cane.)

I don't think the physical challenge is the real reason planners don't want old(er) people on the field. I know plenty of them who mountain bike, jog regularly and go dancing weekly. The real reason old(er) people aren't welcome is because they're aren't as sexy as young folk.

Viewers want to see barely-dressed girls gyrating together or with virile young men. Who wants to see Viagra candidates kickin' it with menopausal women?

What do you think? Post your replies below.


Anonymous said...

It's probably that the Stones are as old as the "Beverly Hillbillies" and Father Time himself, Dick Clark, but that they want to be percieved as being as current, hip and sexy as say that 40 something Brad Pitt.

Anonymous said...

eh... who cares. Yeah, they probably want "sexy" looking people. That's fine. People are too preoccupied with this super bowl crap anyway. Let them do whatever they want. Hopefully we'll get a pair of boobs this year instead of just one. And I'd prefer to see a 20 year-old pair of boobs than a a 60 year-old pair anyday.

Anonymous said...

As an older person (not a Viagra candidate at all!) I am personally volunteering to get up there and gyrate (in my own way) barely-dressed girls. I think I could keep it up (no pun intended) for the 3 hours required.

Anonymous said...

Come on! I am 47 and trust me I have no problem dancing from midnight to 4am at our First Friday Mixers in Ft.Lauderdale. Reggae, soca, R&B bring it on and no wrinkles on me. It's time people wake up and realize that age is just a number and you can't lump everyone into the same little box!