Wednesday, January 25, 2006

Dude where's my parking space?

Hey party people, so uptown is jumping and parking is scarce. I'm sure all you avid Observer readers have been following our stories about how tough it is to park uptown now.

We had a piece in Monday's paper about the challenges of valet parking, and we had a story in Sunday's paper about how free parking is scarce.

I'll be the first to say, I'm cheap so I loved free parking at the Seventh Street deck, but all this whining about parking uptown is a bit much. You've got to pay to play. After 5 p.m., it typically costs $5 to park uptown on weekends and up to $15 if there's an event at the arena. I typically pay $10 max.

I know all my big city transplants can attest, that $10 is not a lot to pay to park downtown.

So party people tell me is parking uptown really that big a hassle? And is parking keeping people from coming uptown? Post your comments below.


Anonymous said...

Yes, $10 is a little much for Charlotte, I think. I'm from Charlotte, but I've also lived in bigger cities where that was acceptable. But in Charlotte, going from free to $10 overnight is a little too much too quickly. I think they need to acclimate people a little.

But, if things keep getting better uptown then its well worth it. Besides, maybe that will encourage more people to either (a) take a taxi or (b) carpool with a dd, so people can split the cost.

Anonymous said...

Parking was free for a long time and I was surprised it lasted for as long as it did. I park at the 7th street station every weekend and I never have a problem. I don't mind paying $5 to park. If I go out to eat uptown, I will valet my car and tip the person $5...give them more upfront if they park my car upfront. I only live 4 miles from uptown, so taking a cab is cheap...$15 max. Well worth it if I plan on drinking a lot, which i usually do. The max I will pay to play uptown will be $15...since it cost me that much to take a cab.

Anonymous said...

$10 is not much at all. I was in NY (I know it is much bigger) and it was $30 to park and $30 to get into the club. We have been lucky for a long time, but it is time for them to start charging. If you find a meter, it is free, but if not have a friend split the cost with you and it ends up pretty cheap.

Anonymous said...

I think paying to park in uptown is ridiculous when you can eat, hang out, have fun anywhere else in the city and NOT pay for parking. And yes, I consider it when making my nighttime and weekend plans. I'd much rather hang out at Frappe or Selwyn in Myers Park than 1)fight to find parking, 2)shell out $10-15 and 3)walk 5 blocks in the cold to get to my destination.

Bring free parking back to uptown!

Anonymous said...

$10 is way too much for Charlotte. People move to Charlotte because they expect a lower cost of living. Despite the comparisons to larger cities, Charlotte is not a large city and should not be charging to park.

Anonymous said...

I 100% agree with the person who posted at 8:53am!! It is sssooo ridiculous to have to pay to go down there. we only started that because we have to pay for the arena somehow huh?? I oculd totally understand if there is a game but ALL THE TIME is LAME and I do also consider that when making my plans. I am paying a $10.00 cab ride back home and would normally leave my car uptown...NOT ANYMORE. Downtown is not THAT exciting to pay that...I know I know its not a lot but for Charlotte yes it is.

Anonymous said...

I am a Charlotte native and I refuse to go uptown any more if I have to pay for parking. I think it's outrageous. There are so many other places in town to go and park for free. The rich are just getting richer in the great parking rip-off.