Wednesday, December 07, 2005

Sippin' on some syzzurp

Wow, some of you got downright rowdy last week when I asked about diversity uptown. Some people stayed on topic and seriously tried to address the issue. Others slammed me for race baiting (and other things). To whoever posted that I should ride off into the sunset with my butch wife on my motorcycle, that sounds so romantic. Thanks sweetie. Speaking of which, for some reason a couple of you went on this whole gay tangent. I can see homosexuality being part of the discussion of diversity uptown, but when did you know you were gay conversation threw me. What was that about?
Anyway, as the Community Relations Committee's investigation of Menage continues, I'm sure we will return to the topic of diversity uptown. FYI: any comments that insult or slander a person (other than me) or club by name will be removed as soon as I see it. That's not cool, especially if you don't have the guts to include your name and e-mail address.
Alright, on to this week's topic.
I know people think I have the coolest job ever, but I met a woman who gets paid to drink scotch. For real.
Marcy Ruderhausen is a master of scotch, and last week she conducted a scotch tasting at Morton's to introduce Johnnie Walker Green. Ruderhausen also schooled me on the basics, such as scotch is whiskey made in Scotland (Duh) and how to drink the liquor.
And just because a scotch has an older age date, for example a 12-year Dewars, doesn't mean you'll like it better than a 10-year Talisker. Age ain't nothing but a number.
If you're new to scotch or whiskey, the first thing to figure out is if you like it smoky or not. It's kind of like fruity versus dry wine. When tasting Ruderhausen suggests sampling several different kinds at one sitting, and sampling them neat (straight).
First, sniff the liquor, then sip it. See what flavors you notice and how you like the taste. Using a straw, add a couple of drops of water. Sniff it, and then taste it again. See how the water changes the character of the liquor. Drink some water and then try the next scotch.
Ruderhausen let us try a yummy drink called the Gold Digger (She ain't messin' with no broke, broke...Just kidding). It's a shot of Johnnie Walker Gold and a shot of Godiva chocolate liquor. Oh my goodness.
Okay, enough talk about drinking. Time to party.


Anita said...

I'm so bummed I missed last week's blog question. (And that the comments had to be disabled)

I moved here from Los Angeles (I grew up in Greensboro, went to school in Chapel Hill, moved to CT and NYC for four years and then LA for 10).

I FREAKED OUT when I came back to Charlotte about how segregated this town still is. It's the one issue that still bothers me about Charlotte compared to LA (that and the fact it's hard to find a moderately priced restaurant with good food). :-) Different "importance" of issues.

I even raised the problem with segregation with an young affiliates arts group when I came here and was told that "they" don't like these sorts of events. Knowing that there are plenty of educated diverse folks in this town with plenty of disposable income, I knew these people had their head up a dark place.

What was so cool about LA is that there was so much diversity (whatever that means) around that it had less importance to any two groups or any two people. My favorite quote came from an African-american NCSU student who was an exchange student at Cal State Northridege when I was teaching there (His mom contacted me and asked me to mentor him). His reflection on LA vs NC was that "there was so much diversity, that it's just not black and white any more." We both thought that was a good thing.

Finally....Mmmmmmm, scotch. I'm pregnant now, so I'm going to have to save those suggestions untill next year.

Anonymous said...

I like Crown Royal whisky. Never even tried Scotch. Also, a comment for the first poster: when compared to LA, Charlotte appears horrible. When Charlotte is compared to Hartford, Richmond, Jacksonville, Memphis, Austin then Charlotte compares nicely. Remember, LA is full of artistic movie and acting career wanna to compare any city in the world to LA is unfair.

Anonymous said...

I am also new to the south by way of Hartford, CT. I would like to thank n_hater for the welcome. He may have tried to offend us but I find his ignorance comical. Thanks for the laugh and the welcome. I am dissapointed to hear of the lack of diversity in the uptown area but is all of Charlotte like this? Please tell me its not.

Anyways, whats hot n popin for new years eve for the young, black, and sexy in Charlotte, uptown or otherwise. I have family coming down for the hollidays and in Hartford all we hear is Charlotte is hot n popin so Im askin where IS the party at.

Anonymous said...

You should write for Creative Loafing, not the Observer. the Observer is a real newspaper and you contribute nothing of value to it. "Let's all party" is a message most of us outgrew after high school or college, but apparently not you. This column is nothing but a forum for you to promote gay rights and make everything a racial issue. And when you talk about "world-class" cities that Charlotte should strive to be.....take a closer look - those "world-class" cities that are celebrated for being so diverse are the same places where crime is the highest and the streets smell of urine.....real classy. Go write for Creative Loafing, it's free - so your readers will get their money's worth.

Anonymous said...

This is to anonymous posted at 8:23am. If you don't like it, why do u read it. I don't understand how people take time out of their day to pay attention to conversation they find offensive. I personally couldn't be so bothered. I am not gay but I'm not offended by a gay persons conversation. Go elsewere and bore some one else 8:23.

Anonymous said...

Back at ya 8:36....if you don't like what I wrote then why do YOU read it and spend time responding. Your very own words show what a HYPOCRITE you are!

Readers and subscribers of the Observer have a right and duty to respond to articles like these that are of no value. We pay for this garbage, and I do not want to financially support this trash. THAT is why people like me respond.

Brian said...
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Anonymous said...

True Diversity exist here. Here's proof: Country/Western Bars & NASCAR speedway for the "Redneck". Hip Hop for the African Americans. Gay Bars for the gay/open minded crowd. The list goes on and on. Do I like all of the diversity-no. However, do I feel that all diversity should exist- yes. I would absolutely be bored out of my mind if I live with 100% white straigh people who drove one type of car, listened to one type of music, and married one type of person. So, I say let things be as they may. Some haters will always scream the loudest simply out of their own insecurities. I am extremely confident and happy with Charlotte's diversity. This is a young city that is still growing...and the future looks even brighter.

Anonymous said...

Gays need to get right with the Lord. We dont need that stuff here. It just is not right!

Anonymous said...

considering you're sorely lacking in any subtlety or overall writing acumen, tonya, it's not surprising that to many in Charlotte it's very apparent you have a strict agenda to push. why the Observer doesn't at least relegate you to the Op-Ed page, or at the most trade you to Q Notes or the Charlotte Post, remains a real head-scratcher.

Anonymous said...

I really don't understand why people continue to waste their time posting to columns they dont agree with. You say you pay for this stuff, I thought the was free, and I don't think the actual newspaper has a BLOG. The poster from 8:23 please GO Away you are waste of everyones time included your own. You question Tonya's value to the Observer well obviously they see something because she's been with them for a minute. Maybe it's to expose ignorant, racist, and closed minded people like yourself. Poster at 6:31 everyone needs to get right with the Lord.

Anonymous said...

It's amazing how people who cry for diversity are the first ones to tell anyone who posts an opinion that does not match their own to "go away" who's the closed minded one there? And for those who'd like to see the Charlotte Observer drop Tonya, well I'm with ya - but with her always playing the race card the newspaper is probably afraid that were she dropped she claim it was because of her race! I mean isn't that the track record here.....

Anonymous said...

it's not that people want you to go away but you shouldn't have resort to racist and rude comments that tries to bring another culture,race,sexual preference down. It's like anywhere else diversity is good but if the diversity you bring does more harm than good then we are better off w/o you than with. People who make these comments probably never experienced differences other than their own and most of these views and traits are developed from childhood so I wouldn't expect them to change, however they should at least be open to learning instead of formulating their opinion off of what they see and read in the media. That's like me going around thinking every white kid shoots up schools (Columbine), or is running Meth labs out of their bedrooms. When you have a Blog name N_Hater what value are you really trying to bring to this BLOG. There are Knuckleheads in every Race, but that's not representative of that race as a whole.

Anonymous said...

Ah...n-hater must be really mad at his conservative President Bush- he has many HIGH ranking blacks on his staff: Collin Powell, Condeliza Rice, etc. So, please n_hater, follow your leader and at least change your mindset about Blacks. Anyways, I like Charlotte's disversity...and do look forward to the continued growth. I do question though why such controversial topics are being discussed on instead of creative loafing or something like that. Anyways, those are my thoughts. Now I really need a drink!

Anonymous said...

N_Hater says "at least they were smart enough to make our own drugs without haivng to go the crack house" (LOL) who are you? So it's ok to use drugs as long a you make them yourself.

Anonymous said...

wow.. Tonya!!
How can you allow the person who posted at 10:48 AM go on like this ?